Health Benefits of Virgin Coconut Oil for Health and Body

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Coconut is the fruit of coconut Palm also known as Coco's Nucifera.It is used for it's water milk ,oil,and tasty meat.

Coconuts are the main jobs of some tropical regions in different countries most especially here in the Philippines.

It is recently increased in popularity for their flavor potential health and benefits and it's culinary uses. 

In our province, Camarines Norte ,it is a common source of living of most people here.You can used the whole thing in coconut from stems,leaves and the coconut fruits .

For now,I will show you the health benefits of Virgin Coconut Oil and The Secret Recipe from my mom.

Health Benefits of Virgin Coconut for Health and Body


The Lauric Acid Content found in the coconut oil  may help  destroy bacteria  and viral infections helping detoxify the body from the inside and supporting  better health.

2.Health Care

Coconut oil helps deliver the required  hydration and nourishment to the hair from the inside out. It helps eliminate dandruff while also aiding hair growth.


The molecules present in the COCONUT OIL  are very small making easy to digest with less strain on the internal system . It may also greatly benefit people suffering from diabetes and obesity.

4. Weight loss

Coconut oil is a supplement  may help reduce cravings and fat build up while also igniting the metabolism which help in natural weight management.It is also a helping combat candida(yeast overgrowth) which triggers weight gain.

5.Heart Health

It is a supplement used in combination with a healthy life style may improve which cholesterol profile, improving cardiovascular health and even reducing the chances of heart attack.


The saturated fats present in the COCONUT OIL supplement  contain anti-bacterial, anti-fungal  and anti-parasitic properties that may help boost immunity and reduce accidents of sickness.

7.Skin Care 

Coconut Oil acts as a natural skin conditioner . It penetrates into the skin's layers to offer enhanced moisturization to strengthen the skin barrier and protect against premature skin aging.

8. Stress relief 

Coconut oil may help relieve stress and also free one from mental fatigue , helping lead to a fuller life. COCONUT OIL  has been used as street buster for a years.


This a secret recipe of my Mom that i want to share with you.She told us that making a Virgin Coconut oil was one of the source of living of her parents when she was young .

And here goes,


 10 to 15 coconuts will give you 3 liters of coconut milk, from which you can extract approximately 150 grams of coconut oil.

3 to 4 coconuts will give you 1 litre of coconut milk, from which 50 grams of oil can be extracted. This quantity is better suited to make virgin coconut oil at home, since fewer coconuts are required.


1. First, the husk and the shell is removed from fresh coconuts,
2. then the meat of the coconut is shredded -a process called “Wet Milled”,
3. then the meat is “Cold Pressed” to get the coconut milk without any chemicals. At home, you can hand press using gloves. Collect coconut milk.
4. Put in a refrigerator for 3 hours. After 3 hours , you can see that the water and white part are separated.

5.The milk is then fermented in containers for a 2 or days for best result.

6.Eliminate the water after which, oil is produced. This oil is carefully filtered and separated from the curd. You now have what is called, virgin coconut oil.

credit this recipe to my mom( Evelyn P. Bongalos)

Department of Science in Technology(DOST) Secretary  Fortunato Dela Pena announces  the clinical trials on VIRGIN COCONUT OIL(VCO) as natural products , medicine devices in the country pursuit to find treatment to COVID 19 .(credit to Philippine Information Agency posted last August &, 2020)


The statement made on this website have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration . The information presented is not intented to diagnose , treat , cure or prevent any disease.

It is intented for informational purpose only and is not substitute for professional medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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