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Healthy Benefits Of Blue Ternatea also known as Butterfly Pea OR Clitoria Pea

Did you know  that Blue Ternatea Flowers has more benefits into our body?

It is  promote vitality and healthy ageing.It is full of antioxidants including 
pro anthocyanin (supports hair and eye health).Both ingredients help
promote the overall healthy life style of your cells.

BLUE TERNATEA flowers  also known as BUTTERLFY PEA FLOWER also scientifically referred to as Clitoria Ternatea) an edible bright blue flowers.Our ancient parents, eat this flower fresh with out cooking or soaking in hot water.Aside from this,the blue butterfly pea vine has bean used as as traditional Asian and Middle eastern medicine for centuries.

In this time of Pandemic,We need to enhance our immune system naturally.

These are the healthy  Benefits of Blue Ternatea(Clitoria ternatea)

1.Anti-pyretic-Butterfly  Pea can help reduce fever  by dilating the blood vessels right beneath the skin,whereby air can cool easier.
2.Anti- convulsant -It has been shown to help reduce the stress and severity of the body from convulsions useful in treating epilepsy.
3.Anti-Microbial-In some indian studies ,Clitoria pea exhibited significant anti microbial effects against  Staphylococcus Aureus.
4.Anti- Cancer and Anti-Tumor-Clitoria Ternatea's cyclotides cancause cancer death by disrupting  cell membrane integrity.
5.Anti-HIV-Butterfly Pea is one of the few herbs to contain cyclodes , which have exhibited anti-HIV in studuies.
6.Anti-Diabetic-Butterfly Pea has shown to inhibit glucose in take from the diet.
7.Anti-anxiety and depression-Indications are that high doses of Butterfly Pea maybe adaptogenic-helping the body deal with stressors.
8.Anti-Ashmatic - Butterfly Pea is used in common cough, cold and asthma as it acts as expetorant and reduces irritation of respiratory organ.
9.Anti-inflammatory- Blue ternatea flowers contains flavonoids.Found in almost all fruits and vegetables,flavonoids is powerful anti oxidants with inflammatory and immune system benefits.
10.Anxiolyhic- Butterfly pea has a calming effect on the body, reducing stress and anxiety.
11.Analgesic-has beeb used traditionally as a local anaesthetic as it has been shown to help relieve pain and swelling.
12.Diuretic - Clitoria pea promotes normal urination, which in turn lowers blood pressure.
13.Nootropic-Butterfly Pea has been to enhance cognitive function and boost brain function.
14.Antioxidant-Flavoniods,anthocyanins and phenolic compounds in Butterfly Pea Flowers activate antioxidant activity, which helps decrease oxidative stress caused by disease causing and ageing free radicals.
15.Aphrodisiac- Butterfly Pea has been traditionally used as an aphrodisiac particularly for women and used to treat menstruation problems or white vaginal discharge(leucorrhoea)
16.Improve Skin- Butterfly Pea's antioxidants stimulate collagen and elastin synthesis which helps rejuvenate the skin and lessen wrinkles and other signs of ageing.
17.Improve hair growth - Rich in bioflavonoids , Butterfly pea can promote hair growth and reduce greying of hair.
18.Improve Eye Sight-Butterfly pea contains anti-oxidant called proanthocyanidin , which increased blood flow to the capillaries of the eyes, useful in treatment of glaucoma, blurred vision m retinal damage or tired eyes.

                Butterfly Pea( Clitoria Ternatea) is easy to grow from seeds. Blue Pea seeds have long shelf live and are easy to germinate in temperatures above 20 degree celsius and modest humidity.It is places in full sunlight. The plant will develop the first flowers within 2 months.


It is cool and refreshing that you'll be favorite not only in summer season.It will likely impress by your family,friends amd even my 9 yrs old nephew,(as you can see the picture above)especially  if you add in the color-changing tricks outline earlier.


* Lemon juice or Calamansi juice
(This help to change the color of blue tea)
*HONEY or SUGAR as per taste

Pour your hot water in a glass or mug.Add your Blue ternatea flowers or tea leaves and cover with a lid.Let it steep for around 15 minutes,until waters turns into purple(indigo).
Strain your tea and stir in lemon juice and marvel at the changing color.Add honey or sugar and serve over crushed ice.


Before you drink Blue Ternatea Juice,you must know the side effects .It is known to be extremely  safe and superhealthy to consume.However,overconsumption of Blue Tea may cause nausea  and diarrhea.Also,pregnant  and lactating women are also advised to consult their doctor before drinking blue tea.




Scientific Name: Clitoria Ternate
Higher: Classification
 ClitoriaOrder: Fabales
Source:Thaidragon.Copy right 2017-2020


The statement made on this website have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration . The information presented is not intented to diagnose , treat , cure or prevent any disease.

It is intented for informational purpose only and is not substitute for professional medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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